7 Alarm fire in South Boston

0.5 min readBy Published On: May 30th, 2020Categories: News0 Comments on 7 Alarm fire in South Boston

Firefighters from all over the city responded  to a 7-alarm fire at 1428 Columbia Road. Seven buildings (on Columbia Road and Douglas Street) were damaged.  38 residents and one dog have been displaced.  It is estimated that there is over $10 million in damages.  The fire began at approximately 3:40am.  BFD is currently managing hot spots and overhauling the scene.

Six firefighters suffered minor injuries. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Image via BFD on twitter

AGo Fund Me pages have been started to help those displaced.

The Robinson Family here

For Megan and Alissa here 

For Al – 94-year-old WW II Veteran 

For Greg and Caiti

For Eddie


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