311 Report: The Southie Coyote is acting like a coyote

We’ve been wondering what the Southie Coyote has been up too lately
Periodically, we receive updates and photos of the Southie Coyote hanging out in his favorite neighborhood near Moakley Park and Carson Beach. But it’s been quiet on the coyote front until today when we came across this 311 Report via Universal Hub – where the Southie Coyote is behaving…well…like a coyote…
So there you have it…

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
It’s getting aggressive because it has no food source and is hungrier and hungrier :( Why animal can’t animal control to catch it and release somewhere?! Poor thing is going to starve to death or attack someone’s dog….
I’m scared to take my 17mnth old to the park or let alone put him in that daycare!!! Coyote might eat my damn baby!!!
It is hunting cause animals hunt that is it’s food source. Reporting a coyote for hunting birds that’s hilarious
I first heard about the coyote when I saw it with my own eyes while walking my dog across Moakley, I got my dog away from it just in time as there would have been a fight if she was off of her leash. Noticing it was out during the bright daylight AND very close to the kids on the playground I called it in thinking animal control could remove it. Nope they said we aren’t allowed to touch it, she said, say what? Isn’t that the reason for animal control or is it just to harrass people with pets? If a child or even adult gets bitten by that animal there will be lawsuits I’m sure
People act like wild life is new to southie but it’s been here all along . The overdevelopment is the problem ! There needs to be an underground garage put in with a park on top of it like post office square . At least that will put all of our tax dollars to good use that keep going up ! Happy New Year
Or Wildlife services could start feeding it? It could become like an all natural zoo attraction. Imagine a friendly living in ITS ALL NATURAL ENVIRONMENT COYOTE…… Well it’s all natural environment surrounded by a small children running up and hiking it trying to feed it chicken nuggets ride it like they’re cowboys and princesses from Adventure Time!
They caught a coyote in downtown Boston a few years ago and took it to the Blue Hills. I have seen plenty of coyotes in Melrose. They have great instinct to survive anywhere. In that picture looks pretty healthy.
I hate people.