14-year-old boy arrested for breaking + entering into Devine

Back in August, we reported about a B+E at DeVine on East Broadway, where someone robbed the health + wellness apothecary of over $5000 worth of products.  Well, someone (not sure if it’s the same someone) was arrested early Monday morning for breaking into DeVine.

See report from BPD Below:

At about 1:54 AM, on Monday, October 2, 2023, officers assigned to District C-6 (South Boston) arrested a 14-year-old juvenile male for Breaking and Entering charges.

Officers responded to the area of 619 E. Broadway Street for a commercial alarm. Officers observed a large rock by the front door, and the front door was smashed. Officers observed a male flee the rear of the building, and were able to place him into handcuffs. Officers recovered from the suspect, marijuana products from the store.

The 14-year-old juvenile male was placed under arrest and charged with: Delinquent to wit Breaking & Entering, malicious destruction of property, and larceny from a building. He is expected to be arraigned in South Boston District Court.

One Comment

  1. Colleen Mcguire October 2, 2023 at 9:03 pm - Reply

    I’m so glad they found him.

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