Southie Development News: Sister Mary Veronica Park is on the Market

Does the statue of the Blessed Mother come with the sale?
Last month, we reported on a random act of kindness that happened in South Boston at Sister Mary Veronica Park.
A gentleman was hired to paint a house near F and 8th. He always took his lunch in this park and noticed the condition of the statue of Mary. He decided she would use a little love and gave her a much-needed coat of paint.
Well, thanks to some observant readers of Caught in Southie who alerted us to this news, Sister Mary Veronica Park – located on West 8th between F and Grimes Streets – is on the market!
According to one disappointed reader, “This is the only green space we have on this end. And we were told for years it was given to the neighbors from the archdiocese.” Evidently, the Archdiocese of Boston changed its mind.
You can check out the listing here.
A little history….
Back in the day, the students of St. Augustine’s School would crown her after first communion and for the May procession.
Sister Mary Veronica grew up on Loring Street, located one street over from the park. Her two sisters, Rita Graul and Ronnie Cobb raised their families on Grimes Street. (Thank you, Susan and Mae, for the info.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
The land for the park was donated by the City of Boston to be turned into a neighborhood or what is called a ‘vest pocket’ park. In order to remove the property from the City’s books they needed to put the lots in someone else’s name. They chose to put it in Saint Augustine’s name (or the Archdiocese) where Father O’Connor immediately donated it for the park. The City never intended for the Archdiocese to profit years later on this property. It belongs to the residents of Saint Augustine Parish and we will fight to save our park. Watch for details.
it’s sad and a sin, this is such a beautiful spot. I remember the crowning of Mary when i went to Saint Augustine’s. A lot of the beauty of Southie is gone little by little. I wonder what will even go there. I hope the statue atleast goes to a nice church or something. Awful to see it go.
Condominiums, what else.
All good things come to pass. Growing up on Grimes St., long before Sr Mary Veronica Park that was our greenie, every kid in Southie knew what a greenie was, many baseball, stick ball, tag , Billy Billy buck buck played there. Great memories of time gone by. Thanks Maureen😍
Was there two greenies? There is a greenie on East 7th that is a big space between houses. This park is small. What can they even put there? probably a bike station
What about the greenies along Columbia Road?
There were two greenies in Southie? I never knew that. I only knew of the one that’s up by East 7th street. Can’t believe i didn’t know that. I wonder what they will put there. It’s not that big of an area. It’s so peaceful. Ugh hate to see it go
I still can’t believe the developer that put a house behind the greenie at D street & w 7th is an all black monochrome house behind the billboard – it’s squeezed into the lot
If the Archdiocese of Boston is the owner of this property then this is a SCANDAL. As many may know it has had to divest of alot of property of their own or left to them in order to continue paying for the expenses
of many aging child molesting priests no longer in ministry but also compensation for their victims.
How low will they go: tearing down the statue of Fr Joseph LaPorte because it “offends” someone.
I knew Fr LaPorte and he was a REAL priest. He cared for all of us in Southie. As they say “the good die young.”
what do you think they’ll put there?? Over building in southie… just my opinion.
Sister Mary Veronica, S.N.D., age 40, died unexpectedly August 19, 1960 at the Carney Hospital. She had just been assigned to St. James Convent in Salem. She attended St. Augustine School before entering the novitiate of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Waltham in 1939.
She leaves three brothers William, Paul and James Greene and two sisters, Mrs. Veronica Cobb and Mrs. Rita Graul of South Boston.
This is an excerpt from Sister Veronica’s obit published in The Boston Globe, August 20, 1960, page 9.
Cityside Neighborhood Association is on top of this. Developers take notice. This is our park that we share with our fellow South Bostonians and visitors alike. SMV park was dedicated in 1968 and came about with the hard work of several South Boston groups, including the South Boston Resident’s Group, the Neighborhood Revival Committee, Laboure’, Elected Officials, and Grimes Street residents.
The Archdiocese received the property from the City for the purpose of donating it for the park. While some may think the Park’s time has come and we should move on, we disagree and hope to have your support.
This is a passive piece of green space, we need more of this in our community.
We need some of the developers who are doing work in Southie to buy this parcel and make it deed restricted for no building and then donate it to a “Friends of Sister Mary Veronica Park”
The Archdiocese of all should know these parks are a necessity. For the people who traverse by, for the people who linger to take in nature, for the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees.
This space need be saved for all the reasons above.