BPDA virtual community meeting to discuss 44 Ellery Street

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A virtual community meeting will be hosted by the Boston Planning and Development Agency on Wednesday, October 18th at 6:30pm to discuss a development at 44 Ellery Street.

Project Description:

The BPDA is hosting a Public Meeting for the 44 Ellery Street project located in South Boston. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Small Project Review Application proposal. The meeting will include a presentation followed by Q&A and comments from the general public. The Proposed Project will erect a new six-story residential building that will contain 18 condominium units, and 6 off-street parking spaces. Please register for the meeting by visiting here! 

Zoom Link: bit.ly/3un9xVT Toll Free: (833) 568 – 8864

Meeting ID: 160 347 1111

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