Archdiocese of Boston to Sell Beloved Sr. Mary Veronica Park – One Neighborhood Group wants to Stop the Sale

Last month, we reported on a random act of kindness that happened in South Boston at Sister Mary Veronica Park. A gentleman was hired to paint a house near F and 8th.  He always took his lunch in this park and noticed the condition of the statue of Mary. He decided she would use a little love and gave her a much-needed coat of paint.

Well, thanks to some observant readers of Caught in Southie alerted us to this news, Sister Mary Veronica Park – located on West 8th between F and Grimes Streets – is on the market!

According to one disappointed reader, “This is the only green space we have on this end. And we were told for years it was given to the neighbors from the archdiocese.” Evidently, the Archdiocese of Boston changed its mind.

A new neighborhood group has been organized to stop the sale of the park – The Committee to Save Sister Mary Veronica Park!  A stand-out event is scheduled for October 28th at 1pm at the park! You can also sign the petition here!


See press release below:

Save SMV Park Press Release 10_18_23 (1)


  1. Touchie McDonough October 19, 2023 at 2:55 pm - Reply

    Why not ask the City of Boston to purchase the property thought the COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ACT and create a new open space park for the South Boston Community.

  2. Justyn Tyme October 19, 2023 at 2:59 pm - Reply

    I said this before and I will say it again: For the Archdiocese its is always about $$$ seldom if ever people. Due to the Bishop-Priest Sex Abuse Scandal of the past 20+ yrs. they have had to continue divesting of so many Properties of their own and Legacies to pay for their high priced Attorneys and pay outs to both alleged and real victims in very High Amounts. Also they continue to provide $$ support for pedophile priests who are no longer in ministry most of whom are now 70 yrs old + This they will deny!! STOP GIVING OUR $$$ in the basket. They will never tell you where it really goes. O’Malley is 78 and on his way out (not fast enough). He is still climbing but never seems to get there. His oft spoken Mono-Toned voice, Flat Affect, Brown Franciscan Habit do not fool most of us ! Bishops come and go but we stay! FIGHT FOR SR. MARY VERONICA PARK!!!!!!!!

  3. Justyn Tyme October 19, 2023 at 3:00 pm - Reply

    For the Archdiocese its is always about $$$ seldom if ever people. Due to the Bishop-Priest Sex Abuse Scandal of the past 20+ yrs. they have had to continue divesting of so many Properties of their own and Legacies to pay for their high priced Attorneys and pay outs to both alleged and real victims in very High Amounts. Also they continue to provide $$ support for pedophile priests who are no longer in ministry most of whom are now 70 yrs old + This they will deny!! STOP GIVING OUR $$$ in the basket. They will never tell you where it really goes. O’Malley is 78 and on his way out (not fast enough). He is still climbing but never seems to get there. His oft spoken Mono-Toned voice, Flat Affect, Brown Franciscan Habit do not fool most of us ! Bishops come and go but we stay! FIGHT FOR SR. MARY VERONICA PARK!!!!!!!!

  4. Norberta Mary Sister October 20, 2023 at 6:38 am - Reply

    Good luck will pray they don’t sell it

    I grew up in Southie,

  5. Justyn Tyme October 21, 2023 at 10:06 am - Reply

    My post re: this matter was removed. I offered a valid explanation as to WHY the Archdiocese needs to sell this property. I know that I am NOT alone in believing the facts I wrote. The TRUTH : Sorrows the Comforted and Comforts the Sorrowful. Question: How much money has the Archdiocese of Boston invested in the care and upkeep of Sister Mary Veronica Park since 1958?

    • Maureen Dahill October 21, 2023 at 10:38 am - Reply

      No one took down any comments. All of your comments have been posted.

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