7 questions you should ask landlords before you rent!
Renting an apartment in Southie can be a daunting task. There are so many places available and the rent can be a financial commitment, so it’s important to make sure you select the right one before you sign your lease.
Wells Howe from William Raveis has 7 questions to ask potential landlord before you rent!
Can I personalize this apartment? If you plan on painting walls, installing cable wires, or even hanging artwork, it’s great to know expectations so your deposit isn’t deducted later on.
Is the deposit refundable? Know the terms of your security deposit – where it’s held, if you get interest on it, and if any portion of it is non-refundable.
Are pets allowed? Many landlords have limits on the type and size of pets they allow. Double check the terms of the rental form.
Are utilities included? Are you budgeting to pay for your own water and electricity? Either way, find out if the rent is inclusive of water, energy, cable, or internet costs.
Is there any maintenance work I’m responsible for? Maybe the landlord expects you to shovel your stoop or maintain the window boxes. It’s good to get on the same page.
What is the process for dealing with emergencies or maintenance issues? Get the contact information for the property manager or landlord, and ask what the procedure is for submitting maintenance requests.
How often are the locks changed? For safety sake, it’s good to ask this question. Frequent resident turnover means previous residents could have keys to your apartment. Make sure your landlord maintains a secure building and changes the locks in between tenants.
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Locks must be changed with each new rental, it’s the law.