Weekend Picks – April 25th

4.4 min readBy Published On: April 24th, 2014Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on Weekend Picks – April 25th

Late night in Southie!  Two local legendary establishments now have late night menus for you to enjoy!  Williams Tavern (92 A Street) is now serving their full menu -including some new spring additions like strawberry salad, chicken teriyaki, and a BLT with sweet potato fries – until 11pm Thursday- Saturday.  Tuesday and Wednesday kitchen closes at 10pm.  Southie oldest bar and restaurant Amrheins (80 West Broadway) will feature a late night bar menu on Fridays and Saturdays including fish tacos, crispy calamari, sliders and more.  They also have a new cocktail menu featuring the Southie Side Car, Skinny Lemonade, and the Curley Cosmo.

Laugh Boston (425 Summer Street) invites Southie’s beer drinking community to Laffenhaus – the only beer and comedy festival in Boston on Saturday, April 26th.  Featuring some of New England’s best brewers, Laffenhaus offers an afternoon of beer tasting, competition, and a performance by New England’s premiere improv and sketch comedy troupe, Improv Asylum! The doors open at 1pm and tickets are $30 in advance: http://laughboston.com/event/laffenhaus/
or $40 at the door. 

Pop Tart and Donut Pop-up Shop!  Lincoln (425 West Broadway) is hosting a special pop tart and donut pop-up shop featuring the delicious baked tarts of Trademark Tarts and decadent donuts of Stacked Donuts by Top Chef’s Stephanie Cmar.  On Saturday, April 26th stop by at 10am until the baked goods last.  Stay for brunch.

The Bruins face the Red Wings in game 4 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs Thursday night.  The puck drops at Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit at 8pm.  They play again on Saturday, April 26th at 3pm.  We’ve got some suggestions on where to watch the game in Southie: https://caughtinsouthie.com/restaurants-bar/7-places-watch-game

The CIA wants you! The Castle Island Association is looking for some new recruits!  This Saturday, April 26 at noon, the Castle Island Association is hosting a new volunteer information session inside Fort Independence.  You can also join and become a CIA member for $10.  Any type of volunteer help is needed and greatly appreciated! Come learn what it is all about and how to keep history alive in your own backyard!  The Fort is open for free tours starting Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend.

Gen Y – Southie’s new spiritual group – is hosting an open house at the St. Brigid’s rectory (841 East Broadway) on Friday, April 25th at 8pm.  Mix and mingle with friends and neighbors and raise a glass to the weekend.  Also on deck for Gen Y is a little spring cleaning on Saturday, April 26th  for St. Brigid.   Meet at 12:30 in the parking lot next to the church. 

Restore your body on Sunday afternoon with a little DetoxFlow: Twist and Shout yoga at South Boston Yoga.  From 1pm-3pm you will twist, balance, and back bend to work a weekend of overindulgence out of your body. You’ll feel as good as new.   This class will be taught by Benn Rasmussen and is $30.  To register visit: http://www.southbostonyoga.net/

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) invites you to attend DCR’s 8th Annual Park Serve Day, Saturday April 26, 2014 at parks across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including South Boston.  Online registration is now open so make sure to sign up! With the help of volunteers, DCR will spruce up park facilities, clean coastlines, clean and maintain trails, plant flowers, and more! These valuable resources belong to all of us, and we can all take pride in them.  For information, call 617-626-4973  or visit the DCR website: www.mass.gov/dcr

Perfect shopping weather.  Brighten up your closet with some fresh cut spring fashion from South Boston boutiques.  A perennial favorite, the floral print is one spring trend we can’t wait to wear.  Sneak a peak at Spring Medley: https://caughtinsouthie.com/shop/spring-medley-fresh-cut-fashion-southie-boutiques

South Boston’s newest photography gallery is exhibiting Ravishing until May 3rd featuring the work of Jonathan Stark.  555 Gallery (555 East Second Street) is located where old industrial and new residential meet on East Second Street and features moving and inspiring photography. The gallery resides in a 2000 square feet of a renovated 1950 manufacturing plant at street level  –  below the LaMontagne Gallery. Open Tuesday – Friday 10am to 6pm and Saturday Noon to 5pm.  Check it out! http://www.555gallery.com/  Next exhibit will be Cultural (Divide) opening May 8th.

Oorah!  Lace up those sneakers and run for the US Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation!   On Saturday, May 10, 2014 join  over 1,000 runners and participate in the 13th Annual Boston Marine Corps Honor Run.  This fast paced 5K takes place along Southie’s Day Blvd beginning at Carson Beach at 9am.  The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children, with particular attention given to those whose parent has been killed or wounded in combat, or who have demonstrated financial need.  So register today by visiting: http://www.mchonorrun.com/  Fee is $30 and $15 for active military.