Underneath it all

0.4 min readBy Published On: April 18th, 2013Categories: Arts and Entertainment, Lifestyle0 Comments on Underneath it all

desire, power, memory and lingerie

The Fort Point Artist Community Gallery presents a new exhibit Underneath it all: desire, power, memory and lingerie featuring the work of artists:

Diane Bronstein, Curator
Ingrid Goldbloom Bloch
Julie Harris
Laura Ann Jacobs
Joanne Kaliontzis
Lisa Knox
Erica Spitzer Rasmussen
Miriam Schaer
Amanda N. Simons

Your invited to a special artists’ reception Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-8pm.  The exhibit will be on display until Sunday, April 21st.

FPAC Gallery
300 Summer Street
For more information contact Joanne Kaliontizis at [email protected]