Southie is the new Monaco.  Imagine Grand Prix race cars ripping down Summer Street.  Looks like it’s going to be a reality next year! 

According to the Boston Herald, South Boston has the green flag as the spot for the Grand Prix of Boston — the Verizon IndyCar Series’ season-finale race which will take place on Labor Day weekend in 2016.  Race organizers are potentially targeting the area of D and Summer near the Convention Center.  The event has potential for over 250,000 visitors to attend the three day race festival featuring events like IndyCar driver autograph sessions and meet-and-greets, car shows, a black-tie shing-dig and more.  The weekend will have an annual economic impact of $75 million to $80 million, organizers say.  

New Hampshire has NASCAR, Southie has the Grand Prix. 

Also on deck – Sail Boston 2017!  Mayor Walsh is working to help make that a reality as well! Sail Boston is a festival of tall ships that come into Boston from all over the world and includes a week of activities including a parade of sail and fireworks on Boston Harbor.  We love Tall Ships!


  1. Anonymous September 2, 2014 at 2:46 am

    First, I see country music billboards on the Mass pike. Now, NASCAR racing in Southie? Please stop! 

    Really, this race festival sounds horrible. Noise and air pollution….for what purpose? 



  2. Anonymous May 21, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    This isn't NASCAR, it's the Grand Prix racing Indy Cars!!!  These cars turn left and right!  And it sounds awesome and alot of fun, never mind the amount of money this will bring into Southie.  This will be a great event for Labor Day weekend!

  3. Britt May 21, 2015 at 8:42 pm

    Does this mean Summer/L Street will finally get fully paved and not just those quilt-like hole-fillers?

  4. Sully May 21, 2015 at 11:20 pm

    omg not the noise and air pollution!! Next thing you know they'll be putting an international airport just a few miles away!

  5. SouthoftheBostonfireworks May 22, 2015 at 1:28 am

    Great, more "temporary" one ways

  6. Jim May 22, 2015 at 5:22 pm

    This is awesome

  7. Anonymous May 23, 2015 at 10:33 pm
    I can’t wait to hear how this will effect the people who live on M, P, F wherever. I for one am glad the the Mayor is bringing cool fun things like this to our city.
  8. Anonymous May 23, 2015 at 10:41 pm
    How about to showcase our city off? We pride ourselves on having one of best city’s yet we hate to open our minds to new and exciting things.

    Noise and air pollution? Motorcycles or garbage trucks cause more should we excile them while we are at it? This will have next to no impact on anyone who lives in South Boston “proper”. Good job Mayor keep the fun stuff coming! Menino would never be up for anything this fun.

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