Got Art? November 2013

Part Two
What is happening in the contemporary art galleries in Fort Point.- Three great shows to catch!
Up until the end of November at Made in Fort Point:
Alys Myers at Made in Fort Point
Social Acupuncture/Social Meditation: All the Bandage
November 1-30, 2013
Made in Fort Poin is featuring a cross installation/wearable show by Alys Myers for the month of November. Social Acupuncture/Social Meditation: All the Bandages is an installation with a wall of T-shirts with “bandages” and sewn on “scar tissue” representing the pain in the life of 15 individual people you may walk past each day.”
About Alys Myers – she is “primarily a sculptor who works in steel and textiles with a bit of conceptual work thrown in. She began as a filmmaker, migrated to sculpture and furniture making, and worked primarily in textiles after her master’s degree in African art. She now lives by the whim of her inner self-expression, which as of late has been telling her to confuse people.”
30 Channel Center Street at A Street and Mt Washington
Monday-Friday 11am-6pm, Thursdays until 7pm
Saturday and Sundays noon-4pm
extended hours for special events
Ian Kennelly at 35 Channel Center
Hay Buster and Friends painting by Ian Kennelly
November 2013 – January 2014
“The current pace of today’s viewer is tied to their daily rush and fleeting glances, never really slowing down to observe the elements around them or the discarded objects underfoot. As a mediator, Ian Kennelly stops or slows down the pace and approach of the subjects that are typically ignored and seldom seen as beautiful. Through lush oil paint application, color and tonal relationships are explored in otherwise mundane vignettes of daily urban life. Within these paintings, the grace in the brut is exposed.”
November 2013 – January 2014
viewable by appointment, email [email protected]
Nick Ward at FP3. Gallery
Distorted Memories
November 14th, 2013 – February 20th, 2014
“FP3 Gallery is pleased to present Distorted Memories, an exhibition of recent paintings by Nick Ward. Nick’s paintings are often described as realism. However, these paintings stop quite short of – and in some areas just past – photo realism. Instead of capturing visual reality, his portraits attempt to describe his memories – real or imagined – of these subjects. Equal attention is given to long relationships and fleeting glances; actual experiences are treated the same as invented encounters. The portraits combine exaggerated characteristics with occasional use of text or vivid color as a counterpoint to the familiar forms of the human face and body.”
Nick maintains his studio at the Distillery Building in South Boston.
FP3 Gallery
346 Congress Street
Boston MA 02210
Kathleen Bitetti is a practicing visual artist, a curator/art administrator and a public policy and advocacy expert based in South Boston.
Image: 1. Nick Ward painting- photo courtesy of the artist