Boston’s First Residential Kitchen License Issued to South Boston Online Bakery

This South Boston based home/online bakery features gorgeous cupcakes bouquets that are sure to impress!

See press release below:

Boston Baked Blooms, a small South Boston based online bakery specializing in artisan buttercream cupcake bouquets opened its virtual doors earlier this month. Less than one week after the business was granted the very first residential kitchen license issued by the City of Boston, their website was up and running and receiving orders.

The brainchild of Boston designer/artist Lisa Mackin, Boston Baked Blooms creates artisan cupcake bouquets – delicious alternatives to traditional flower arrangements. Each cupcake baked from a scratch recipe is individually piped in a buttercream frosting to resemble a fresh cut flower. The delicious treats are available assembled as a bouquet or as boxed sets. Boston Baked Blooms offers curbside pickup directly across from M Street Beach at the South Boston address as well as local delivery – covering most Boston neighborhoods and overflowing into a few bordering cities and towns. On their Custom Requests page it hints that delivery out of the zone and rush jobs may be something attainable in certain circumstances.

Lisa has worked professionally in digital design, marketing and branding throughout her entire career. From corporate to cupcakes, she’s comfortable working in any media – including frosting. She produced Boston Baked Bloom’s ecommerce website to help automate and streamline some of the business related tasks that a traditional bakery has to contend with. The standard product offering is presented in a user friendly manner, providing a way for customers to easily browse, order, pay and set up pickup/delivery – all on a secure online platform – allowing Lisa more time in the kitchen fashioning confectionary flowers and inventing new products.

Relying heavily on social media to spread the word, the business’s Instagram and Facebook account is chock full of vibrant photos that highlight the detailed work. Handles for both accounts are aptly named BostonBakedBlooms. Happy customers are spreading the word about the dessert that doubles as a centerpiece.

Up until recently Boston had no process in place to allow home cooks to sell eligible food produced in their kitchens, although Massachusetts state law allows it. The City of Boston began investigating the possibility of introducing a residential kitchen program at the beginning of the 2021. Products sold from a retail residential kitchen are considered “direct to consumer” and require operations to be inspected and permitted by the board of health in the city or town where the Residential Kitchen is located. After months of working through the logistics, an ordinance was forged to allow Boston residents to produce and sell foods created in their personal kitchen if it meets specific criteria. The new law covers “cottage foods” that are non-TCS. This means that only foods that do not require temperature control are eligible.

For more information visit Boston Baked Blooms at their website here! Find them on Facebook and Instagram. 

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