Classes for a Cause

2.6 min readBy Published On: October 16th, 2015Categories: Health and Wellness, Lifestyle0 Comments on Classes for a Cause

Written by Heather Foley

Sometimes it can be really hard to find the motivation to workout.  Maybe you set the alarm to hit the gym before work but then you hit snooze for an hour.  Maybe you tell yourself you’ll go to yoga after work but when you get home you’re exhausted and decide to stay on the couch.  Maybe you feel like you’re not good enough shape to take a class and tell yourself you’ll go once you feel you can handle it.  Maybe you’re just in a lazy bum rut and need to be shaken out of.  Consider this post my version of slapping you in the face and yelling “snap out of it” in my best Cher voice (which is really pretty terrible)

Listen, I am a lazy bum so I get it, but if you’re physically healthy enough to workout I’m pleading with you to join me in at least one of three classes we’re helping organize to benefit the Ellie Fund this month.  Unless you live under a rock, you probably know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and unless you’ve been living under that rock for decades you’re probably all too aware of breast cancer.  The Ellie Fund is an amazing local charity that helps take care of the day to day stuff so women fighting breast cancer can focus on the fight.  The Ellie Fund supplies support like transportation to medical appointments, childcare, meal prep, and housekeeping.  Let raising money for the Ellie Fund motivate and/or get you over your group exercise fear this month.  

Our first class is this Monday (October 19th) at the Lincoln Tavern.  Local yoga-lebrities (yes that’s a word I just made up) Jenna Hill and Kristin Khederian will lead us in an hour long class and then the Lincoln Tavern is hooking us up with some pizza.

If yoga isn’t your thing maybe boxing is.  Saturday October 24th Peter Welch’s Gym is having a boxing class and mixer to support The Ellie Fund.  I’ve talked to a lot of people who want to check out a class but are intimidated because Peter Welch’s is a “real boxing” gym and this is the perfect opportunity to give it a go.  Did I mention there will be cupcakes after?  You can’t be intimidated when there are cupcakes involved, that’s just science. 

We’re wrapping up the month with Chanel Luck from Radiant Yoga. This Go Pink Yoga event includes live music, and the yoga/meditation class is designed for all levels, so if you’ve been looking to try yoga or mediation this is the prefect class for you.

Grab your yoga mat and boxing gloves and sign up already!  It’s a easy way to #DoGood and a great way to meet some new people!