Written by Heather Foley
Here at Caught In Southie we say, “September is the new January,” the end of the summer, the beginning of the school year, not to mention all those new faces moving in, it just feels like a new start. It’s a perfect time to revisit those resolutions you made in January, and since weight loss is the most popular New Years resolution, let’s tackle that one. Also, weight loss is the only resolution I am even remotely qualified to comment on. Like do not listen to me about getting your finances in order, Suze Orman I ain’t.
Anyhoo, let’s talk about getting a little healthier. We’ve all been told it’s easier to stick to health/fitness plan if you have a buddy, so we’re going to be your buddy! We’ve put together the September Challenge to help whip our collective butts into shape. I’m not saying it will be easy, but it will be simple. We’re not going to push any expensive shakes or supplements, make you count calories, require a weekly $700 grocery store trip, or chain you to an elliptical. We’re just going to focus on four things, what you eat, what you drink, your sleep, and moving your body.
Focus on lean proteins and veggies
Eat small meals every 3-ish hours
Stay away from processed food
Be smart about your carbs, pick whole grains
Water, and lots of it (duh)
No soda or juice
No booze
Aim for 8 hours every night
Give up the snooze button
Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends
Aim for 5 workouts a week Workouts should be challenging, not just a leisurely stroll
Lift weights, you gotta do it
Right about now you might be saying, “no booze, are you for reals?” Listen, this is America and you can do whatever the hell you want. If you are of legal drinking age and want to have a Harvey Wallbanger after a long day at work I’m not going to tell you no. What I am going to tell you is that alcohol is one of the quickest ways to sabotage weight loss, so be mindful.
Alright, that’s it, for now. We’re gearing up to start September 1, ok well September 1 is the Saturday of a long weekend, so maybe we’ll start that Monday, or that Tuesday. Stay tuned for workout ideas, nutrition info, AND MORE!
PS You should totally be following us on Instagram because we’re going to have lots of September Challenge fun over there too! Follow us at @CaughtInSouthie
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