Winter Warm Up

0.7 min readBy Published On: December 6th, 2015Categories: Features0 Comments on Winter Warm Up

Mass Bay Credit Union

This is the perfect time of year to help those less fortunate.  Clean out that closet and help those in need.  Mass Bay Credit Union is hosting its annual Coat and Warm Clothing drive in partnership with Friends of Boston’s Homeless Warm Hands Warm Heart campaign.  Kindly donate new or gently used winter coats, hats, scarves, gloves and socks.  Donations boxes are located in all of Mass Bay’s branches including the one in South Boston.  The charitable drive is in its fifth year and has become a vital Mass Bay Credit Union tradition that members and staff look forward to participating in every year.  Donations will be accepted until January 29th. 

So be kind and help.  It’s good for the soul! 

Mass Bay Credit Union

147 West Fourth Street