Winning! Kentucky Derby Party at Barlows for the South Boston Collaborate Center

Congratulations to the winners of the Best Dressed contest at Saturday’s 4th Annual Kentucky Derby event Barlow’s (241 A Street).  Southie residents Paula McCormack and Joe “Dodo” Nee captured the title! 

Paula won a $500 gift certificate to Ku De Ta and Dodo won $250 worth of gift cards to local restaurants.  Way to go! 

This event raises funds the South Boston Collaborate Center.  Founded in 1997, the South Boston Collaborative Center provides information, referral and treatment services to the residents of South Boston and its surrounding neighborhoods.

One Comment

  1. Deborah Piffer May 6, 2014 at 2:01 pm
    This fabulous Dressed Couple, give off a ” Derby Vibe” & the ” Boston Strong” -Community Excitement.

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