The Voice: Steve Memmolo

2.5 min readBy Published On: November 9th, 2018Categories: Features0 Comments on The Voice: Steve Memmolo

About a year ago, my CIS partner in crime, Heather Foley and I decided to hit the Southie hot spot The Supper Club and see what the kids were up to! On stage was an awesome band called The Classic Yellow Band fronted by a very, very, handsome and charismatic gentleman named Steve Memmolo. “He sort of looks like a young Ben Affleck meets Jon Mayer,” screamed Heather into my ear as we sipped Tito’s and soda. We discussed possibly throwing our undies on stage a la Tom Jones but cooler heads prevailed. We both agreed, “that boy’s got star quality!” Well, low and behold. Looks who’s on The Voice? Steve Memmolo!

Born and raised in Milton, now a resident of Southie, Steve will be on the live episodes of the Voice beginning Monday, November 12th at 8pm and he needs our votes! You can download The Voice app to ensure your vote gets counted. Let’s keep Steve in the competition, right? (Maroon 5’s Adam Levine is his coach.) 

Get to know Steve:

Is Adam Levine nice? 
Adam is super cool! he’s down to earth, sincere, laid-back, and most of all gives honest advice.

Favorite song to sing? 
That’s a tough one, I sing so many tunes. I would have to say, “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green.

Most requested song when you play at the Supper Club?
Definitely “Pony” by Ginuine or something by Beyoncé that we don’t do hahah.

Craziest thing you witnessed on the Supper Club’s dance floor?
Maybe a few intentional nip slip’s directed at the band? But For the most part it’s unintentional drink spilling and a few tussles, maybe some overtly sexual grinding? It can get a bit wild down there but nothing too extreme.

Now that you’re on The Voice, what is your daily schedule like? 
When I’m not rehearsing,  we’re shooting behind the scenes, radio and tv interviews, wardrobe fittings, stage directions, and hanging out with the rest of the contestants having a blast through all of it. The schedule is busy but I’m trying to take it all in while it lasts!

Would you ever wait in line at Stats on a football Sunday?
No, when I turned 30 I decided I wasn’t going to wait in lines anymore haha.

Pro parking space saver or anti parking space saver?
Little of both depending on my mood.

Favorite place in Southie to unwind on a day off?
My couch!

Go to order at Sully’s?
Lobster roll hands down.

Are you single?

Caught in Southie and Capo will be hosting a viewing party on Monday, November 12th at The Supper Club! 
Doors open at 6:30pm
Live Music by the Steve Rondo Trio from 7-8pm and again after the show concludes

We’ll have all 5 TVs on the live broadcast with the sound on. We will be flipping to music during commercials.

Break a leg, Steve! 

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