Take the L Street Brownies New Year’s Day Polar Plunge 2024

Jump in!
We can’t think of a more shocking way to start off the new year by jumping into the frigid waters of Boston Harbor – talk about a jolt! Many believe it is good for one’s health, where one’s immune system can benefit from regular cold water plunges. This belief is part of the foundation of the L Street Brownies – the oldest “polar bear” club in America, and for over 100 years, the polar plunge has been part of the neighborhood culture!
March from L Street Tavern
L Street Tavern hosts a special march from the bar located at L + 8th to the beach led by the Greater Boston Firefighters Pipes + Drums! Doors open at 8 am. March to M Street Beach as a group at 9:30 am. A special commemorative t-shirt will be on sale for $25.
Be a part of this tradition
The L Street Brownies promote health, fun, and friendship. Each year, the swim is dedicated to past and recently deceased Brownies. Spectators are welcome, and creative costumes are encouraged.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
what time is the plunge itself.
It was at 8:30am.
After the steamer it ain’t bad at all.
Try jumping in when it’s 15 degrees and then you may be considered.
Show up anyhow, you’ll meet some great people from Southie.
A steamer and lots of beer after!
10 am
How do I sign up to do it before this upcoming January 1st 2024? What is the procedure
how do you get involved? I’d love to join 2024!
You just show up!
Way before the LGBTQ + Movement there were scores of men unashamed of their naked manliness manifested by jumping into frigid waters at the L Street Bathouse. Southie had the L street bath house way before they became popular in San Francisco. This progressive community celebrated Polar Bears & Cubs way before societal norms accepted them. Congrats to mayor Wu
For her open support of this colorful event.
Yeah Mayor Wu is all about colorful events!
Mayor Wu is all about colorful events isn’t she?
confused by the date stamp on some comments. Is the march and plunge for this year’s 2024 on Monday January 1st, 2024 at 930 am? thank you
Why is the newly renovated L Street Bathhouse closed on New Year’s Day for the Historic L Street Brownie plunge?
Can’t wait 👍
How do I find out and sign up for next year?
no need to sign up! You just show up!