Southie Missed Connection

0.8 min readBy Published On: November 14th, 2017Categories: Features0 Comments on Southie Missed Connection

To the guy waiting for an Uber outside Murphy’s Law in Southie late Saturday,

You were leaving with a couple. I was just arriving to meet friends at the old watering hole. As I approached you with mauve lips and a fuzz-lined suede coat, you jokingly said, motioning at me, “and here comes my future wife.”  Your friends turned to me as if to apologize for your behavior, but instead, I leaped into your arms and you lifted me off my feet for an embrace that seemed to last for minutes.

I stumbled off laughing, we all laughed in shock as the well-timed fling was perfectly executed. The last thing I remember was you climbing into an Uber as the doorman greeted me. So if you’re out there, hubby, just know I was thinking about you today and how spontaneousness is everything.  Thanks for a small moment that brought me joy to think about today.

-future wife

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