Southie Ice Bucket Challenge
For the 2nd year, Southie will come together on Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:30pm on M street beach for a community-wide dousing of ice cold water for the Strike Out ALS for Pete Frates Ice Bucket Challenge campaign.
Pete Frates was a breakout baseball star at Boston College. He has been battling ALS for 4 years. The Ice Bucket Challenge is the single most successful fundraiser to support research to find a cure for ALS. In fact, some of that money came right here to Massachusetts where a UMASS researcher has identified a new gene associated with ALS.
Southie residents and Frates’ friends Kiki Colombi and Chris Kowalski are organizing the event which last year brought hundreds of people to M street on a gorgeous summer night to have a little fun and get very cold for a great cause.
According to the ALS Association, in the 8 week span in 2014 during the Ice Bucket Challenge $115 million was raised with $77 million going to research to help find a cure!
So grab your roomie, kids, neighbor or a friendly stranger and head on down to M street for a great cause. One of the many things that make South Boston so wonderful is our unwavering commitment to helping people in need. Let’s strike out ALS!
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