Southie Dog Poisoning
So it looks as though the dog poisoning rumor may have been in fact just that. According to further Boston Police investigation, the dog in question had other medical issues. South Boston Animal Hospital treated Bella and after running blood work, discovered the dog had renal failure. South Boston Animal Hospital did not run a toxicology report.
On Wednesday, November 14th, the Baldner family from N Street reported to Channel 7 that they suspected their dogs of being poisoned. They claimed that someone had thrown food tainted with rat poison into their yard. Samples from the yard have been turned over to the police and a toxicology report will be run.
According to Natalie Waggener, the vet fromSouth Boston Animal Hospital, Vincent Baldner brought in his dog because he suspected the dog may have been poisoned. After examining the dog, she ruled out poisoning all together. “We want the pets of South Boston to be safe. Be aware of what your dogs are eating and if you do suspect your dog of poisoning, bring them to the vet. Most poisonings are testable and treatable.”
“Mr. Baldner is a great person and someone who loves his dogs very much,” added Waggener. “Bella was an older dog who was very sick but not poisoned.”
A special thank you to South Boston Animal Hospital’s Natalie Waggener. In our initital report, we did not have all the facts correct and Natalie reached out to us to discuss the circumstances of this case to ensure that the community of South Boston was well informed. We appreciate that!
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