Sounds like summer is starting with a bang and a boom

0.8 min readBy Published On: May 26th, 2011Categories: Features0 Comments on Sounds like summer is starting with a bang and a boom

The CIA kicks off its tour season

The Castle Island Association (CIA) has been giving free guided tours of Fort Independence on Castle Island for over thirty years. Memorial Day Weekend is officially when the CIA springs into action, giving free- guided tours every Saturday, Sunday, and on national holidays through the summer from noon till 3:30pm.

To celebrate this season’s opening, the Master Gun Crew of the U.S.S. Constitution will be set up at the entrance to Fort Independence  demonstrating ship board cannon firing on Sunday, May 29.  Firing demonstrations will begin at 11:00am and will continue hourly until 4pm. 

The CIA is funded by donations and memberships.  For the price of just $8, you can be a member of the CIA and support the preservation of history.  To become a member go to: and download the application.