Shawn Murphy

0.7 min readBy Published On: February 18th, 2011Categories: Features0 Comments on Shawn Murphy

Where did you go to school?: Don Bosco High School

UMASS New England Law

Afterschool job in high school: Skateguard at the Murphy Rink

Occupation: Attorney

Currently Resides:  Hingham, MA with his wife Aileen (Adams) and their three children Connor (8), Eamon (4), and Maeve (15months

What do you miss most about Southie?:  The people. The people from Southie are the best.

What keeps you coming back?  Sal and Betty’s (totally old school Southie – Sal’s has dropped the Betty around 10 years ago!

Also, Miller’s Market – coldest beer in town.  Castle Island and I still go to Broadway Haircutters for my haircuts.

Favorite Old School place that no longer exists: That’s a tough one, but my favorite old school place would be Mrs. Bernete’s store at the corner of Acadia and East 2nd.  We bought penny candy there and flipped baseball cards outside.