Religious Ed & Confirmation Registration

1.1 min readBy Published On: September 8th, 2015Categories: Features0 Comments on Religious Ed & Confirmation Registration

Info. from Gate of Heaven & St. Brigid Parishes 

As the summer comes to a close, our parishes K-6 Religious Education and Confirmation Programs are gearing up for another year of teaching students more about their Catholic faith.

The K-6 Religious Education program will hold its first class on Sunday, September 13 at 9am at South Boston Catholic Academy. Parents should register their students online and view the class schedule at

Confirmation III (Grade 9) students who are preparing to receive the sacrament on Tuesday, September 29 at 5:30pm at St. Brigid Church should register online for our final class (9/13), the retreat (9/20) and our ceremony (9/29). Parents should register Confirmation students at

Parents of Confirmation I & II (grades 7 & 8) students should attend a mandatory parent’s meeting on Sunday October 4th at 4:30pm at Cushing Hall at St. Brigid Church. Parents should register their students online ahead of this date at

We’re also looking for teachers and aides in both our Confirmation and K-6 Programs. This is a perfect way to get involved in our Parishes and share your faith with kids. If you’re interested, give our office a call at 617-268-2122.

For more information on these classes or anything going on in the Parishes, pick up a copy of the bulletin or visit our website at