Planet Southie

0.9 min readBy Published On: May 12th, 2012Categories: Features0 Comments on Planet Southie

Meeting on May 24

Come join your fellow “green” residents at Planet Southie for their monthly meeting.  This month’s topic of discussion is Greenhouses and Optimal Food Production.  Guest speaker Fred Gordon will discuss greenhouse research being applied in the Netherlands. During a recent trip to the Netherlands, Fred toured a greenhouse research center.  This is a huge industry in the Netherlands, and the productivity that they get out of greenhouses is astounding — 8600 lbs of tomatoes, or 10,573 lbs of cucumbers, or 3.277 lbs of snap beans per 1000 square feet (a pretty small greenhouse).  The meeting begins at 6:30pm.

So stop by.  Get involved and help Southie be a little bit greener. 

*Meeting Location: The Distillery Building, 516 East 2nd Street.: If you walk in the yard, enter the door of the building to your left, a low brick building that says Honeywell on it (across the parking lot from the Distillery residences).  The office is right around the corner and you should be able to see people through a large picture window before you get there. I