Paul the Doodle Pearce is reunited with Chris the dog guy

0.8 min readBy Published On: May 29th, 2020Categories: Features0 Comments on Paul the Doodle Pearce is reunited with Chris the dog guy

Another sweet story to lift you up during the pandemic.

If you’ve ever been to Cumbie’s at L & 5th, you’ve probably have seen Chris.  Chris is often spotted sitting out front with dog treats and a bowl of water for his furry friends.  He’ll sometimes even “dog-sit” while you run inside for your half-gallon of milk or to play your numbers.  Well, dogs in the neighborhood love Chris, so when Chris was recently sick and out of commission for a few months, it was noticed – especially by Paul the Doodle Pearce.

This video was captured and posted to Instagram this week by Paul’s owners Dave and Ally Pearce.

You can see Paul the Doodle Pearce (best name ever) reunited with his friend Chris.  If it doesn’t warm your heart, you probably don’t have one!


Follow Paul on Instagram – he’s a great follow!


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