Netflix Login Changes On The Horizon – Here’s what you need to know!

With a heavy heart, I deliver the news that Netflix will no longer allow multiple logins. So yes, the day has finally come that you can no longer use your ex’s mom’s account to watch Love is Blind. Netflix is looking to roll out this garbage idea at the end of June. You will need to select a “Primary location,” so only household members will be able to share the account.

If your Ex’s Mom is generous, she can pay an additional monthly fee for up to 2 members to mooch off of her. So it is now time to set a reminder to send a Happy Mother’s Day, so it will be harder to kick you off in June. 

You might ask why Netflix is being so lame. As new streaming platforms have rolled out, Netflix lost millions of subscribers between April and July 2022 as people quit the service.  Netflix tried raising its prices up, but it’s not enough to allow them to invest in new content. Bottom line: there are 100 million people sharing passwords, and Netflix wants to monetize them.

But I have a better idea, rather than nickel and diming subscribers, Netflix should cut back on its “Netflix originals.”  They release a plethora of strange films each year that nobody watches. Did you guys enjoy the Netflix originals “Troll” and “Old People”…no because nobody heard of them. Just because you are creating more content doesn’t mean it’s good content. Netflix should stick to having classic TV shows to binge and the occasional well-done Netflix original. We don’t want another season of “The Recruit.” We want another season of “Mind Hunter” or “Black Mirror.” I want Netflix to stick around, and I don’t think this plan will help. It is like when your catholic school needed help to pay rent, so you got to wear jeans for $1. 

You can read more about the changes coming to Netflix here! 





One Comment

  1. Mike Thomas April 27, 2023 at 4:44 am - Reply

    Has anyone seen /heard
    “The Richie Allen show” on podomatic ?
    We all need to listen to this !
    Especially now.

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