The cold and dark days of winter are a thing of the past.  If you’ve been up to M Street Park lately, you can see the “little gifts” left by dogs and owners turning a blind eye when no one was looking.  Let’s get the park warm weather ready!

If you’re a dog owner and would like to lend a hand picking up after those owners who didn’t,  join the poop patrol on Saturday, May 17th to help clean up the park. Although this group love the pooches, they’re encouraging owners to leave them home during this cleanup.  After a few hours of hard work, the group plans to go out for drinks to celebrate a job well done! We raise our glass to this group of good neighbors!

No need to RSVP, just show up anytime during the two hour window between 1pm-3pm.

Saturday, May 17th

Rain date is Saturday, May 31st


For more scoop on poop, enjoy Peter Gailunas’ blog about it:  Enjoy!