M Street Park Scoop the Poop Day

0.9 min readBy Published On: May 13th, 2015Categories: Features8 Comments on M Street Park Scoop the Poop Day

The cold and dark days of winter are a thing of the past.  If you’ve been up to M Street Park lately, you can see the “little gifts” left by dogs and owners turning a blind eye when no one was looking.  Let’s get the park warm weather ready!

If you’re a dog owner and would like to lend a hand picking up after those owners who didn’t,  join the poop patrol on Saturday, May 17th to help clean up the park. Although this group love the pooches, they’re encouraging owners to leave them home during this cleanup.  After a few hours of hard work, the group plans to go out for drinks to celebrate a job well done! We raise our glass to this group of good neighbors!

No need to RSVP, just show up anytime during the two hour window between 1pm-3pm.

Saturday, May 17th

Rain date is Saturday, May 31st


For more scoop on poop, enjoy Peter Gailunas’ blog about it: https://caughtinsouthie.com/feature/scoop-poop  Enjoy!


  1. And on and on April 18, 2014 at 5:46 pm
    Is named Medal of Honor Park in memory of all the Veterans who served this country and in particular for those whose names are on the Vietnam Memorial, so please get your facts straight and stop disrespecting the Veterans. Who writes these? Some Newbie who has no clue about South Boston?
  2. Anonymous April 23, 2014 at 12:14 pm
    I think we need a “clean up after ourselves” day more than we need a clean up after the dogs. The soda bottles, burger bags, pizza plates, cigarette butts, lotto tix, and much much more is out of control all over our sidewalks. When will this community start to shame the litterers? Most dog owners are respectful and always clean up, but unfortunately some of those littering types own dogs too. It’s a behavior that we need to call them out on. Last night at M street I saw plenty of trash left from kids by the cement wall over looking the fields. Let’s call it like it is.
  3. Dog owner April 25, 2014 at 1:45 pm

    How about the instillation of additional trash cans in the neighborhood. If there was a barrel on everyother corner we wouldnt be having these problems with trash. The City already has a service to pick up this trash, what problem would a few more barrels cause?

  4. Dog owner April 25, 2014 at 1:45 pm

    How about the instillation of additional trash cans in the neighborhood. If there was a barrel on everyother corner we wouldnt be having these problems with trash. The City already has a service to pick up this trash, what problem would a few more barrels cause?

  5. Nicole April 26, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    If anyone is interested in working on the green area between Marine and Columbia Rd. and G and I Streets, tha is where I will be on the 10th. That area is also a mess!

  6. southoftheboston May 13, 2015 at 6:15 pm

    In my 40 years living in Southie I have never called Mst park anything other than Mst park. It isn't an intentional show of disrespect to anyone. I still call Moakley park Columbia park, East Broadway "little broadway", West Broadway "big broadway". Why not just help clean up the park and stop bellyaching about being disrespected. No one is disrespecting vets or southie by calling Mst park what people have called it for decades. 

  7. Anonymous May 13, 2015 at 7:27 pm

    Sounds like one owners master plan to go out drinking with someone they have a crush on baaahaaa…#wholelottapiickingupgoingon #washhandsbeforebar

  8. Anonymous May 15, 2015 at 4:45 pm

    How every post turns into consumption of alcohol. "Let's pick up dog shit then have a Shandy". " Let's drive down O Street the wrong way, then have a glass of Merlot".

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