Independence Day – A tribute to our Nation, U.S. Veterans

1.6 min readBy Published On: July 3rd, 2015Categories: Features0 Comments on Independence Day – A tribute to our Nation, U.S. Veterans

God Bless America

On July 4, 1776, a small band of determined patriots announced that we were a people with equal rights, free to worship and to think and live as we please, in an open society.  It was a controversial declaration at that time and unprecedented.  At that time in human history, kings, and princes made those bold statements and ran governments.  Not ordinary people or ordinary families.

Our country was built on the ideals of democracy, liberty, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.  And those ideals came with a price.  But these determined patriots knew a better life was possible, where freedom was the goal.  But to accomplish these goals, they would have to fight and be willing to lay down their lives in the name of freedom and democracy.  And so we fought a war to gain our Independence.

It was our founding fathers, statesmen and writers that planted those seeds of democracy.  And it was the beginning of the American military, men and eventually women who were willing to fight for those important ideals, to ensure the growth of our young nation.  The U.S. military has answered the call to duty for almost 240 years, defending our home and abroad.  These men and women fought for our country’s ideals, to make our nation a safer place.

So, on behalf of the various veterans organizations in South Boston that are active in our neighborhood, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Happy 4th of July.  Enjoy the day and celebrate the meaning of how our country was established and thrived since the early days of a new nation.  God bless the United States of America and Happy Independence Day!
Edward M. Flynn, Commander, Thomas J. Fitzgerald Post (V.F.W. #561)