In search of Sid
Has anyone seen Sid – the lovable bulldog mascot of The Punk & Poet? He is MIA! Anyone with information on his whereabouts is encouraged to reach out to The Punk & Poet or you can drop him off no questions asked.
We know Sid is just sitting on someone’s kitchen counter surrounded by empty Bud Light cans! If you see something, say something!
Only in our Soouthie!
Thoughts on P&P? Still boycotting ever since they renovated, Playwright wasn’t amazing but it was good enough. P&P looks like a senile grandmother got the design job.
Must suck to wake up and be you, there’s always something wrong with everything!
There is something wrong with everything….otherwise we would still be using oil lamps and being transported by horses.
Sid wised up and gtfo of that place.
The Playwright was nothing special but it did its job as just a regular bar.
The P&P is an embarassing poser nightmare.
I mean, you put up a neon sign with a song title and then have to write the band that wrote it underneath.
(Michael Scott’s Wayne Gretzky quote, anyone?)
It’s just so forced and lame and hardly cool by any measure.
A complete joke.
Thank you for validating my boycott. We will continue to do so until every other bar has a 40 min+ line.
Bring back Molly Darcy’s!