Hottest Line in Southie: Walgreen’s Pharmacy

It has everything…
If you follow the Southie Line Girls on Instagram, you know they give in-real-time updates of the lines of local neighborhood hot spots – everywhere from Lincoln to Lucky’s is covered.
Very rarely will you catch us waiting in line (we’re middle-aged for Christ’s sake), so when this line was featured, we were like – “Oh, wait…we’ve waited in this line before!” Downstairs at Capo? Sunday Funday at Loco? Nope, Walgreen’s Pharmacy.
(Please read in the voice of SNL’s Stephon) The hottest line in Southie is the Walgreen’s Pharmacy line. This place has everything: confrontational senior citizens on Larks, shelves that are insanely bare, an aisle blocked by the Hallmark greeting card lady stocking Thanksgiving cards (who send those?), a hipster with a skateboard searching for mustache wax. Sound boring? Don’t worry, the old school Southie guy at the end of the line will keep shouting, “This is complete bullshit” hoping the one person working the pharmacy gets the message. You’ll overhear private conversations between the pharmacist and some guy who has a rash and a frustrated mom who’s hanging on by a thread quietly threatening her four year old who keeps crying for M + Ms. If that’s not enough for you, there’s a trash strewn parking lot riddled with pot holes and puddles and cars filling up spots with people just making a quick deposit at the bank. Sounds terrible right?
Once again, when it comes to Walgreen’s and Stop + Shop, Southie deserves better.
Read more frustration about Walgreen’s on Yelp here!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
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