Hey, Southie

1.6 min readBy Published On: May 27th, 2013Categories: Features0 Comments on Hey, Southie

become even greener

A challenge has been made.  Renew Boston wants to engage 500 Boston residents to sign up for a no-cost home energy assessment and take positive steps to weatherizing their homes.  The goal is to save energy, money, and the planet on Saturday, June 1st, Renew Boston Day of Action. 

If the Boston 500 goal is met, Renew Boston predicts it will eliminate 224 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year (enough carbon pollution to fill three tanker trucks). This would save residents over $50,000 on their annual energy bills, reduce noxious emissions that cause asthma and other respiratory diseases, and create new green collar jobs in weatherization.  Sounds good to us!

All residents and organizations are welcome to get involved! Events range in size from small house parties and up. To get involved, visit www.renewboston.org/boston500 or email [email protected]. And, as always, Boston residents can sign up for a no-cost home energy assessment anytime at renewboston.org.

Will you accept the challenge?


Mayor Thomas M. Menino, in conjunction with National Grid and NSTAR, announced today the new Renew Boston Whole Building Incentive Initiative that significantly reduces the cost for energy efficiency improvements in two and three family homes through the Mass Save Home Energy Services Program. 

The new Renew Boston Whole Building Incentive, which is generously sponsored by National Grid and NSTAR through Mass Save,  will address the split incentive between landlord and renter for making energy efficiency improvements by offering the following:

  • 90% off insulation improvements up to $3,000 per unit, where all eligible units are weatherized
  • Incentives to remediate common pre-weatherization barriers: Up to $250 for dryer venting replacement, repair, and installation, up to $300 for combustion safety evaluation and repair, and up to $250 to evaluate for live knob and tube wiring.

So what are you waiting for? For more information visit: www.renewboston.org/boston500.