Happy New Year?

1.5 min readBy Published On: January 3rd, 2012Categories: Features0 Comments on Happy New Year?

Written by Alexandra Ryan

Were you as depressed as I was last night?   Did you cry yourself to sleep thinking about going back to work today?  Am I alone in feeling that New Year’s Day might be one of the most depressing days of the year?   Really.  The holidays are over.  The parties stop.  You have eaten your weight in puff pastries and pork pie and most likely feel disgusting.  You have to say goodbye to family and friends.  Maybe you have to get on a cramped bus or a plane to go back home.  You have to return to work where everything is going to be all serious again.  Your co-workers will wish you a Happy New Year and ask about your New Year’s Eve.  You’ll say something like, ‘Great!  It was fun.  Really low key.’  You’ll leave out the part about being over-served, smashing too many crab rangoons, and mooning your friends in Chinatown (wasn’t me).  

You have to start eating salads and organic stuff.  And don’t forget, you need to go to the gym everyday this week because that’s what people do starting January 1st.  Happy New Year?  Not just yet.  

I need a week to recover from the whirlwind of Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.  I don’t think that’s too much to ask.  I deserve it and so do you for all the crap we put up with in 2011. Let me get through this week without having a panic attack and then I’ll start making New Year’s Resolutions.    My new year will begin on Saturday, January 7th 2012.  Who’s with me?