New to the Neighborhood
Green Flash Delivery offers same-day or even same-hour delivery for an elevated menu of carefully selected products, including award-winning flowers, concentrates, beverages, and beyond. They make every effort to deliver the best in cannabis right to your door in record time and at unbeatable prices.
Green Flash Delivery is based in the neighborhood and run by locals with no delivery fees! And they are giving away a $150 gift card to spend at their store! For a chance to win, fill out this form here! Must be 21+. Plus, get $20 off your first order when you sign up! For every friend you refer gets $20 off, and you get another $10 when they purchase!
Don’t sit in traffic. Don’t lose your parking spot! And definitely don’t wait in lines for higher prices at a dispensary. Support a local business and let Green Flash Delivery do the work for you. For more information on how to order – visit here!
*Limitations and exclusions apply.
Visit the Green Flash Delivery website for more information. Follow Green Flash on Instagram for more daily deals as well!
Maureen Dahill is the editor of Caught in Southie and a lifelong resident of South Boston sometimes mistaken for a yuppie. Co-host of Caught Up, storyteller, lover of red wine and binge watching TV series. Mrs. Peter G. Follow her @MaureenCaught.
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