Fundraiser for Southie woman hit by car

0.8 min readBy Published On: December 10th, 2015Categories: Features0 Comments on Fundraiser for Southie woman hit by car

Help a neighbor out! 

Last Friday night, Manny (Lolita) DeSousa was struck by a car while crossing Summer Street near Papagayo.  Manny is a South Boston resident and an active young woman who often wakes up at 5am to catch a class at Peter Welch’s or hit Gold’s Gym on Dot Ave. Manny needs our help, Southie! 

She has sustained serious head, brain, and face trauma. Because of the extent of her injuries, Manny has a long road ahead of her. Anyone who knows her, knows that Manny is beautiful inside and out. The goal is to have the focus remain on her recovery and not on how she and her family will pay the high cost of the care she is receiving and will continue to receive for the foreseeable future. 

Please show your support in her fight to full recovery. Her page is: