Five Things I Hope COVID Has Killed Forever

Peace At Church
This might be a bridge too far for some, but I say abolish handshakes as a customary greeting. Did you know that pre-Covid only about 40% of Americans washed their hands after they used the bathroom? And upon meeting someone I’m supposed to trust that they are not part of the nasty 40% that has dookie on their hands? I’m sorry baby but you have to earn that trust.
Blowing Out Birthday Candles
A couple weeks before the world came to a screeching halt my amazing friends threw me a fantastic 40th birthday party, which was weird because I’m only 32. Anyhoo, at said birthday party I was brought a cake, and when everyone was done singing “Happy Birthday” I blew my cooties all over that cake; and then everyone ate it. EVERYONE ATE A CAKE I BLEW MY BREATH ALL OVER. Can you imagine doing such a thing now? Disgusting.
Licking Your Finger Before Turning The Page
I don’t even know what to say. Turning a page is not hard enough to warrant such reckless behavior.
Buffet/Salad Bar
In theory I love a buffet – I get to decide how much mashed potatoes I want – and you should always be the captain of your own gravy boat, but in practice? Yuck. The very idea of uncovered food sitting out for hours with hoards of strangers helping themselves and all using the same serving spoon? The hardest of no thank yous. What’s that you say? What about the sneeze guard? Oh you simple fool. I like to imagine a world filled with elbow coughing, clean bowling ball finger holes (don’t get me started), and a head nod being the official Catholic sign of peace. In the meantime, wear your mask, wash your hands, use common sense, and in general just don’t be a plague rat.
Snowmageddon 2015 – 10 Years Later
Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny: The Life and Legacy of Peter O’Malley (Alive & Well)
Snowy Owl Season – Where to see Winter’s Coolest Visitors