Did you see it?

0.7 min readBy Published On: January 10th, 2012Categories: Features0 Comments on Did you see it?

It snowed!

If you woke up early this morning you probably got a sign that it is actually winter in South Boston.  A light dusting of snow covered the tops of cars and christmas trees waiting for trash pick-up.  It was by no means enough snow to make a snow ball or put a cone out to mark a spot.  (If you see anyone marking spots – please take a picture and send it our way). 

Last year on this day, January 10th 2011, Boston had a total snowfall of 14.6 inches.  The parking snow wars in South Boston were on the distant horizon. 

So it’s official.  It is winter.  Will there be more snow in our future?  The odds are in its favor.  So be prepared! https://caughtinsouthie.com/feature/unofficial-rules