Did Alexandra Ryan
Well….sort of….
Dear Caught in Southie,
It’s me. The lunatic who decided to go booze free for 30 days and attend 30 consecutive Bikram Yoga classes. I apologize for the blog delay. I needed to take some time to process the absurdity of the past month.
The 30 Day Challenge began on Tuesday, September 6th 2011 and ended on Wednesday, October 6th 2011. If this blog entry was a movie, the scene would go fuzzy, clouds would appear, the flashback music would start playing, and we would go back in time to…
DAY 29: Tuesday, October 5th, 2011
I woke up at 5:30am, which surprisingly had become a lot less painful (I was down to one snooze and up). I completed my 29th consecutive Bikram class at 7:45am, quickly showered, and hustled over to South Boston for work. I felt really good about myself. The yoga had been much more challenging than abstaining from alcohol. I had one Bikram class left and I just had to make it through the next 40 hours without a drink. I was in the home stretch…..piece of cake…..or so I thought.
At 6:00pm, I received a phone call from an agency asking if I would be available to style a photo shoot for Nicole Polizzi (AKA Snooki from the Jersey Shore) in Jersey City on Thursday. Being a fan of the Jersey Shore (shut up. you know you love it too), I was beyond excited about the opportunity. The next day was going to be a little crazy – I had to complete my final yoga class, shop and prepare for my first big celebrity photo shoot, and make it to Jersey City before midnight. There is no easy way to say what I have to say…so I’m just going to say it….
At approximately 9:45pm, on Tuesday, October 5th, 2011, the 29th day of the 30 Day Challenge, I decided to celebrate the Snooki shoot with…an ICE. COLD. BEER.
I did not make it 30 days without booze, BUT, I did complete 30 BIkram Classes
There. I said it. I had to tell you the truth. I couldn’t live a lie pretending like I made it the full 30 days without a drink. Why did I cave on Day 29? I was overexcited and I think I deserved it….I blame it all on Snooki.
I know that this is a big slap in the face and you may be disappointed in me. I’m going to give you some space and a little time to heal, but stay tuned for a final recap of the 30 Day Challenge – things I’ve learned, mistakes I made along the way, changes I have made, general health and weight loss info, and of course…the highpoints and lowpoints.
Alexandra Ryan