Desperately seeking

0.7 min readBy Published On: January 12th, 2012Categories: Features0 Comments on Desperately seeking

Shine Boston in need of a liquor license

Big Night Entertainment, the people behind the night clubs – High Rollers, Shrine and Scorpion Bar at Foxwoods, and Boston’s Red Lantern and Estate –  are hoping to open a 12,000 square foot Asian-themed restaurant this summer but can’t seem to land a liquor license.

The city of Boston’s Licensing Board deferred a request for a liquor license application for Shrine Boston on Thursday.  Currently, there are no liquor licenses available.  If one becomes available in the next 30 days it will be granted to the new Asian restaurant and lounge.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed.  We have a hankering for Mai Tais and dumplings!

This future Southie Waterfront hot spot, will reside at 1 Marina Park Drive next door to Strega Waterfront.