Crossfit Southie
helping out Newtown, CT
The images of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy still haunt the nation. And the nation has gather together to help this small town with support whether through cards, gifts, prayers or raising funds. Crossfit Southie is also lending a hand and their hearts. When Crossfit Redzone (located in Newtown, CT) announced they would be hosting a nationwide fundraiser, Jen Powers, avid “cross fitter” (six days a week for the past 18 months), nanny and EMT, along with five other Crossfit Southie members jumped at the chance to help. They will travel to Newtown, CT for a very special Crossfit Workout of the Day to support the town, families, and community after such a devastating event.
So far the Crossfit Southie team has raised $1,300 with Jen raising $900 of that total. Way to go! Good luck!
If you would like to support the Crossfit Southie team you can donate by visiting:
Here is the workout Crossfit Southie will complete as part of the fundraiser (piece of cake!):
10 minute AMRAP
10 Thrusters
6 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings
Only one partner will be moving at a time and cannot advance to the next movement until both partners have completed the movement. For example Partner A does their 10 Thrusters then partner B does their 10 thruster, then they move on. It does not matter who does the movement first so if partner A starts the thrusters it does not mean they need to start for the burpees.
Weights and standards:
Thrusters= 95 pounds for men/ 65 pounds for women
Burpees= Chest must make contact with the floor and the way down and feet must leave the ground at top position with hands above head
Kettlebell swings= 53 for men/ 35 for women
Thrusters: 75 pounds for men/ 45 for women
Burpees= Same as RX
Kettlebell swings= 35 for men/ 26 for women