CIS Dog of the Day – Lulu

0.7 min readBy Published On: August 16th, 2019Categories: Features0 Comments on CIS Dog of the Day – Lulu

Get to know the dogs in the neighborhood!  Our new series – CIS Dog of the Day –  will feature a new dog from the neighborhood 




French Bulldog


1.5 years

Favorite treat:

apples and peanut butter

Favorite walk:

Running like crazy to the Bark Park (Shout out to Mike from dogsRbarking play group for showing us the park!)


Chasing birds, visiting dog-friendly restaurants, and playing with big dogs (she thinks she is one!)


Cardboard boxes and vacuum cleaners (she runs circles around the room if you take them out)

You can often find Lulu hanging out at her favorite spot Cisco Brewers in Seaport. So if you see Lulu, make sure to say hello! 

Do you want your dog featured in CIS Dog of the Day? Just email us a photo via [email protected]

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