Celebrate Mother’s Day Eve with Julie’s Family Learning Program

Julie’s Family Learning Program was suppose to have their annual fundraising event this weekend. They are shifting gears and have organized a virtual Mother’s Day Eve Event. You can learn more about this very important community program here.
See their letter below:
Our Annual Event to honor the mothers in our program and in the larger community that was scheduled for this coming Saturday will , unfortunately, not take place as planned.
We do, however, invite you to participate in our “Virtual Mother’s Day Eve Event” to celebrate the commitment of Julie’s moms to stabilizing their children’s future, and the incredible contributions of all mothers to their families.
Join us Saturday at noon as our Board Chair, Sharon Asiaf, and our Board Event Chair, Casey Shaughnessy, welcome all to this special event. We will (remotely) present this year’s Angels Awards to Rev. Burns Stanfield, Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church, and to Mr. John Sullivan, Apprentice Coordinator of Ironworkers Local 7, whose generous contributions of classroom space, logistical assistance and compassionate community support have enabled Julie’s to expand its services to many more adult learners, both male and female, who were displaced by the closure of another neighborhood education program earlier this year.
As with prior events, we invite you to learn more about the life-changing miracles that happen at Julie’s by connecting to a series of videos and links that showcase our program services and update you on how our staff are staying connected to our adult learners and children during the current pandemic. Our childcare staff is committed to “ Keeping the Growing Going” while our adult staff is focused on “Keeping the Brain Alive” as our parents juggle countless new challenges at this time.
On Saturday, just before noon open the Constant Contact in your inbox and take a “seat” as we begin our program.We encourage you at anytime to go to our website and click on the “Event Widget” at the bottom of the Home page. Opportunities to donate towards the success of this Saturday’s “Mother’ Day Eve Virtual Event” are listed there. We especially would like to draw your attention to an opportunity to honor a special woman in your life or to offer a remembrance of a loved one.
Next week we will send another Constant Contact post with a thank you for all donations received, including “Program Book” ads, and sponsorships received via our website.
We appreciate your support, which is needed more than ever, for families struggling with poverty, isolation, and fear during a time of such challenge and uncertainty.
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