Candidate Spotlight: Margherita Ciampa-Coyne – Register of Deeds

So early voting has begun and in addition to voting for President of the United States, you will be voting on 5 Questions and Register of Deeds.  What is the Register of Deeds?  Well, they are the person in charge of the Registry – where all land transactions are recorded.  Not super-sexy we know but regardless, you’ll be voting for that position.  We recently sat down with Marherita Ciampa-Coyne who is running as an independent candidate and had a little Q&A!

Tell us a little about yourself?
My name is Margherita Ciampa-Coyne and I am proud to be running for the Office of Register of Deeds of Suffolk County.  I am Boston born and raised and I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve my community.  I grew up in Dorchester’s Fields Corner, St. Peter’s parish, am a graduate of Monsignor Ryan Memorial H.S. and Boston College.  A proud mom three children, I live in Hyde Park with my husband Brian Coyne and Fenway, the Wonder Dog.

What motivated you to run for this position?
My experience and career path makes me uniquely qualified for the position.  I research title records every day and I know there are ways to make the Registry of Deed easier to use and more accessible to the constituents of Suffolk County.   I know it sounds kind of wonky but I really like title and land records!

Why do you think you’d make a good Register of Deeds?
I have over 25 years of experience in the real estate title industry which includes the review and drafting of real estate documents acceptable for recording in MA Registries and records information management.  A veteran real estate paralegal and former operations manager of a national title insurance company, I understand the importance of accurate records and the effects of irrelevant and poorly drafted documents on the title chain. I understand how land records affect your property rights and will always advocate for those rights.

Do you believe the position of Register of Deeds should be appointed and not elected like your opponent John Keith?
I can see both sides of this issue.   While an elected position can result in an unqualified candidate with name recognition becoming the office holder an appointed position can also lead to the same thing – a political appointee who lacks experience but is connected in some way.

What are three things you hope to accomplish if you get elected?
If elected my priorities are an updated website; increased accessibility and fraud prevention.
An updated website –  using state of the art technology will keep public records accurate, accessible and secure. My goals for the office include working with the Secretary of state and Registers of Deeds across the state to create a single portal website providing easy access to all Land Records in Massachusetts.

Increased accessibility – making sure everyone has access to the public record by providing multilingual information on-line through video or electronic brochure will provide greater access and resources for all constituents.  For example, educational information on how to search for your deed, the importance of the Homestead Act and property rights can be created and uploaded onto the current website.

Fraud Prevention.  The best way to prevent fraud is education.  Currently, “The Consumer Notification Service” gives consumers the ability to submit their names to MA Land Records to be monitored for potentially fraudulent activity.  Have you heard of it?   It needs to be better promoted, and we need to do more to prevent fraud, especially of our seniors who are targets because of the equity in their property.  I would work with the Attorney General’s Office to create an educational series of pro-active awareness on how to best prevent fraud.

Why should people vote for you?
Experience, accountability, and vision.   I have over 25 years of experience in title and land records.  I understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of the documents put into the official public record.  I’ve never held public office.  I’ve always worked in the private sector where results matter, and I believe people should expect more.  As the Register of Deeds, I will be in the office every day working to make land records accurate, accessible and secure to protect property rights.

Which neighborhood do you live in?
I live in Hyde Park.

Favorite spot in Southie?
Castle Island!  I have lots of fond memories there from my childhood and know with my kids. It doesn’t matter how old you are or the time of year; it’s just a beautiful place.  And It’s not officially summer for us until we’ve eaten at Sullivan’s: “Dogs, all round, please!”.

For more information about Margherita’s campaign visit her website!
You can also follow her on twitter! 

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