Calling all sharks

0.9 min readBy Published On: September 12th, 2012Categories: Features0 Comments on Calling all sharks

Get in the water!

Do you think you can swim from East Boston to South Boston?  Well, the Sharkfest Swim is exactly that – a 1500 meter competitive swim from the Piers Park Sailing Center in East Boston to the Moakley Courthouse at Fan Pier in Southie.  The swim begins at 9:30am on Saturday, September 22nd.  Entry fee is $70, Students $45.  To register go to:

Beginners sit this one out:
This swim is not for novices. This event is for experienced open-water swimmers only. You should be able to swim one mile comfortably in a pool in under 40 minutes.

Other important information:
The Coast Guard will stop all boat traffic in and out of the channel during this event. Water taxis will transport swimmers from the finish line to the start of the swim.

Sharkfest Swim award medals to top three individual finishers, male and female, in each 5-year age group (all divisions combined).

Personalized award plaques to first place individual finisher, male and female, in each 5-year age group (all divisions combined).