Bonnie Grealish Conrad

2 min readBy Published On: April 2nd, 2011Categories: Features0 Comments on Bonnie Grealish Conrad

April 2011

Run Bonnie run!

Bonnie Grealish Conrad is running the Boston Marathon for the first time ever and she is raising money for the South Boston Boys and Girls Club.  A club kid herself, Bonnie felt compelled to support a valuable South Boston resource that is so important to not only herself but to the community.  “I learned so many life lessons as a kid from the caring staff and then even more when I worked at the club from not only my co-workers but from the kids themselves,” says Bonnie

Background info

Born in Canda and raised in Dorchester until the age of 12, Bonnie deep down is a Southie girl at heart who loves her hometown.  She is a caring and selfless person who is always there to lend a hand when needed.  Married to Bob Conrad for the past 20 years, she is the dedicated and loving mother to two daughters Victoria (age 19) college) and Rachel (age 13) and lives on the ever-popular block of East Fifth Street between H and G Streets.  Bonnie is well loved and the outpouring of generosity from Southie on March 26th at her Disco Bowl fundraiser is a testament to the person she is.

Quite impressive

Having never run before until a 5K road race last year, Bonnie is training daily to reach her ultimate goal of completing 26 miles at the 115 Boston Marathon.  Bonnie’s energy is tireless and inspiring. Her spit-fire personality, hard work  and knowing she is doing for a greater cause than herself the keeps her motivated.  

Why we love Bonnie

Understanding the importance of being involved, volunteering, and giving back to someplace that gave so much to you and your community, is why Bonnie is a shining star in Southie.  She is a role model to all and from this act of running 26 miles on April 18th, you can’t help but be inspired.  And that’s is why Bonnie Grealish Conrad is our April Character of the Month.  We take pride in the fact that Bonnie is one of our own!

To donate to Bonnie’s run go to: and clicking on “Support the 2011 South Boston Marathon Team” and donating to Bonnie Conrad 
or by mailing a check/money order directly to: Boys & Girls Club 230 West 6th Street South Boston, MA 02127