Be a good neighbor and help
Kevin Cellucci
Since a tragic accident on September 6th, Kevin Cellucci – a carpenter, a husband and father of three from Dorchester – has been in coma. In one swift moment, after a car veered over the road’s lane markings along the Arborway, life for the Celluci family will never be the same. His wife Tina (Lamonica from Southie) and his three boys ages – all under the age of four, need not only our prayers but our help financially as well.
On Saturday, November 2nd, a fundraiser will be held to show support for the Cellucci family. It will be held in at the IBEW Hall in Dorchester beginning at 7pm. Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
You can purchase tickets by emailing [email protected]
The fundraising committee is looking for donations for the silent auction table and for raffles – items like gift cards, gift baskets, sports memorabilia, tickets etc.)
If you would like to donate to the Kevin Cellucci Foundation you can visit or mail donations to the following address:
Kevin Cellucci Foundation
Hanscom Federal Credit Union
495 Summer St. Room 115
Boston, MA 02210
Please be a good neighbor and help out a family in need.
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We’d like to help and donate a few tickets to you guys. Does someone want to stop by and pick up a voucher from us since it’s so close to the date?
425 Summer Street. Boston, MA 02210. Right inside the Westin.
Ask for Ryan
Woops. Wrong Page. Thought it was their own webpage.