311: Battle for baseball field at Shore Road Field
What in the wild world of sports is going on?
Look like a turf battle erupted over a baseball field at Evans Field. Neither side was playing baseball. It was Girls Playing Softball vs. Middle Aged Kickball.
“Who at City Hall is giving men of this age a permit to play kickball on a field where children have played softball for many years? Straighten this out.”
The issuer of the this 311 complaint described the guy kicking the kids off of the field as “resembling Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs” which is brilliant and hilarious.
Technically, the permitting for Shore Road is through the DCR and that’s why the complaint was closed and turned over to the State.
State Rep. David Biele said that he and Senator Nick Collins have spoken with the DCR in the past about the issue of adult sports leagues vs. youth sports leagues. “The youth sports leagues should get priority for permitting,” said Biele. In other words, if a kids’ game is running late, the adults will just have to patiently wait their turn.
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