sweat, connect, feast
June 5, 2016 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
| $45Come get your sweat on! Connect with the community! Feast with your friends!
We invite you to join us on Sunday, June 5th at 11:30 am for an energy packed afternoon hosted by C2 Body for a sweat induced barre class. Your sweat-sesh will be followed by an hour long workshop on how to create nutrient dense, on the go, delicious breakfast foods. Stephanie Morrissey, founder of Wildly Nourished, and Christina Morris, Boston based instructor and fit model, will be preparing and sharing some of their favorite breakfast foods. They will discuss the benefits of using wholesome ingredients, ways to incorporate them into your diet, and send you off with a few “go-to” breakfast recipes to implement into your morning routine. You will leave with confidence in your ability to set the “barre” everyday by nourishing your mind and body alike. Feel empowered, nourished, inspired, and fueled every day!
$45 (includes class, breakfast, & full workshop)
sign up online at mind body!
Any questions email [email protected]