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Join us as we honor the centuries-long celebration of classic German beers with our own traditional brews. We’ll have live music, fest food, lawn games, and stein hoisting contests all weekend long. Your $10 ticket includes your first pint of Octoberfest, a souvenir plastics stein, and some special party swag!

On Saturday, upgrade your ticket to a Taste Through Germany ticket to experience four of our favorite fest-style beers in their traditional setting with additional tastings.

NEW THIS YEAR – we’re celebrating our Sam Adams Octoberfest across 2 weekends at our 2 locations. We’re offering a “2 Sams, 2 Fest” $30 ticket that gets you:

  • Advanced entry to the Downtown Taproom’s Saturday 9/21 AM Fest Day + a 1L Stein to drink out of
  • Entry to our Boston Brewery’s event on Saturday 9/28 + Taste of Germany Tasting Add-on
  • Guaranteed Octoberfest swag

Check out our day-by-day line:

Friday: 5-9PM

  • Live Music from Foes of Fern (5-8PM)
  • Stein Hoisting Competitions
  • Beer Releases
  • Food Specials

Saturday: 11AM-6PM

  • Live Music from Alex and the People (11:30-2) and Nikki & The Barn Boys (3-6)
  • Stein Hoisting Competitions
  • Taste Through Germany: Experience traditional German lagers through interactive exhibits and tastings ($10 add-on)
  • Beer Releases
  • Food Specials

Sunday: 11AM-6PM

  • Live Music from Heyssis (11-1:30) and the Lighthouse Route (2-5)
  • Stein Hoisting Competitions
  • Beer Releases
  • Food Specials
