Trick or Treat on Broadway Set for Oct. 31

South Boston Chamber of Commerce businesses and the South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation invite neighborhood children in costumes to “Trick or Treat along East and West Broadway” on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2023, from 4-6 p.m.  

Participating establishments will be clearly marked with orange and black posters inviting the children to stop by for a treat.  

For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, we are asking that Trick-or-Treaters walk in the same direction. If you are starting on West Broadway and going toward East Broadway, walk on the odd-numbered (southern) side of the street. If you are starting on East Broadway and heading to West Broadway, walk on the even-numbered (northern) side of the street. 

Broadway businesses that would like to participate but haven’t received a poster via email yet should contact Karen at 617-990-7062 or [email protected].

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